Historic Powerball Jackpot Not The Only Lottery News

  • The odds to win the estimated $630 million Powerball jackpot are 1 in 292.2 million.
  • Mass Cash produced two winners of $100,000 this past week.
  • Platinum Jackpot winner in Viginia won $1 million on a chocolate milk run.

BOSTON – Millions of people will be sitting on the edge of their seats to watch the Powerball as the new jackpot reaches $630 million dollars.

Even with odds of 1 in 292.2 million odds to win, it is nearly impossible to pass up.

Powerball Jackpot Over $600 Million

The $630 million Powerball Jackpot is currently the seventh highest Powerball jackpot of all time. The Powerball jackpot is reset to $40 million dollars after someone wins the top prize, which shows how long it has been since the Powerball was won.

Even though the top prize has not been won since October 4, there are consistently smaller winners of the Powerball. Odds to win any Powerball prize are 1 in 24.9.

The growth of the Powerball jackpot is not the only lottery to be in the news lately though, as the Mass Cash lottery and Platinum Jackpot lottery scratch offs recently produced winners.

Mass Cash With Two Winning Top Prize

Two Massachusetts residents won big this past weekend, taking home the top prize of $100,000.

The Mass Cash winners had 1 in 324,632 odds to win the top prize.

The Mass Cash lottery is based on a drawing of five separate numbers. Those with three or more matching numbers is a winner, but how much they won is scaled based off if they had three, four, or five of the numbers.

The Mass Cash jackpot winners were both bought in Boston, with one bought at West Broadway Gulf and the other at Station News.

Massachusetts was also home to two $50,000 Powerball winners.

Jackpot Winner Bought Ticket On Chocolate Milk Run

Chocolate milk never tasted so good for Virginia resident Dennis Willoughby, who bought a Platinum Jackpot scratch-off ticket as he was buying chocolate milk for his kids at a 7-Eleven in Richmond.

He won the top prize of one million dollars with odds to win the top prize of 1 in 1,632,000.

The Platinum Jackpot has one remaining million dollar ticket in circulation. The gambling winner will have the option of a lump sum payment of $640,205 before taxes or the full $1,000,000 in annual payments over 30 years.